Force value is consistent with Coulomb's law. 力的大小符合库仑定律。
And you will form a crystal of sodium chloride as a result of this need to form crystal expressed through the Coulomb's Law. 你能得到氯化钠晶体,因此,形成晶体所需要的条件,在库伦定律中通篇都有表达。
Comparing the position of Coulomb's law and Gauss theorem in light of universality 从普适性对比库仑定律与高斯定理的地位
Why meet the Coulomb's law? 为什么符合库仑定律?
Coulomb's law says the negative will be attracted to the positive, and the atom will collapse. 库仑定律说,负电荷会被吸引到正电荷上来,原子会坍塌。
I just plug into the Coulomb's Law. 这时再引入库仑定律。
The Applicable Range of Coulomb's Friction Law in a Fundamental Problem 库仑摩擦定律在一个基本问题中的适用范围
Coulomb's law and the mass of the photon 库仑定律与光子质量
Discussing the establishing conditions of Coulomb's Law when electric charges in the system of inertia are relatively static. 用狭义相对论方法讨论惯性系中点电荷之间相对静止时,库仑定律成立的条件。
Coulomb's Law is the foundation of the theory of the electromagnetic field. Since it ensures the accuracy of the Maxwell's Equations, it ensures the accuracy of the Ampere's Law and Faraday's Law of electromagnetic induction as well. 库仑定律是整个电磁场理论的基础,它确保了作为经典电磁场理论总结的麦克斯韦方程组的精度,从而实际上也确保了安培定律和法拉第电磁感应定律的精度。
By the use of vector potential A and scalar potential φ, a generalized form of Biot-Savart and Coulomb's Law is given, and the magnetic field B and electronical field E of helix are achieved. 利用矢势A和标势φ推出了毕-萨定律和库仑定律的一种广义形式,并应用它计算出了通电螺线管的磁场B和电场E。
Research on Coulomb's Law 库仑定律的研究
Formation and Verification of Coulomb's Law and Its Position in Theory 库仑定律的确立、验证及其理论地位
A condition of Coulomb's law is discussed and a general method by applying Coulomb's law to finding the electrical force acting on point charge in the material is proposed. 库仑定律中的真空条件不是必需的成立条件,应用库仑定律也可以求解有介质存在时点电荷所受作用力。
Amperel's law derived from Coulomb's law; 从库仑定律导出安培定律;
In this paper, an accurate mathematical model of pedestal forces of a general space structure is established according to the Coulomb's law of friction and mechanical concepts. Two methods of solving, which are named the method of mathematical programming and spring restraint, are presented. 本文根据力学概念和库仑摩擦定律,建立了空间结构支座摩擦力问题的精确数学模型并提出了两种解法,即数学规划法和弹簧约束法;
Based on the relativity theory and Coulomb's law, this paper derives the formulas of motional electromotive force and demonstrates that magnetic force is actually the relativistic effect of electric interaction. 本文从相对论与库仑定律出发,推导出动生电动势公式,说明磁力实际上是电相互作用的相对论效应。
In this paper, the basic laws of electromagnetic field are derived from Lorentz transform the basis of Coulombian field of static point change. They are: 1. Boit-Savart law derived from Coulomb's law; 本文将从静止点电荷的库仑场出发,利用洛仑兹变换导出电磁场的基本规律,其中包括:(1)从库仑定律导出毕奥&萨伐尔定律;
Electromagmetie field equations derived from Coulomb's law; 从库仑定律导出电磁场场方程;
Discussion about equivalent relation between gauss's law and coulomb's law 论高斯定理和库仑定律的等价关系
This essay gives an introduction to the historical survey of the formation of Coulomb's Law, its verification, the area of adaptation, and its position in theory. 本文对库仑定律确立的历史概况、实验验证、适用范围与成立条件及其理论地位作了全面的介绍。
Coulomb's law and Biot-Savart's law are two basic electromagnetic laws while Gauss 'theorem and Ampere's theorem are more practical and convenient in applications. 在电磁学中,库仑定律和比奥&萨伐尔定律是基本定律,而高斯定理和安培环路定理实用性更强,应用更方便。
This paper derives Maxwell's equations in differential form for the existence of magnetic monopoles from Coulomb's law of static interaction between point magnetic charges and Ampere's law for a line integral of around a closed path, The author describes an electromagnetic picture. 本文从真空中磁的库仑定律和电的安培环路定律推导出磁单极存在下麦克斯韦方程组的微分形式,描绘出磁单极存在下的电磁图象。
The Promotion and Application of Biot-Savart and Coulomb's Law 毕-萨定律和库仑定律的推广及应用
Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction derived from Coulomb's law. 从库仑定律导出法拉弟电磁感应定律,从而说明,电磁场的各个规律同狭义相对论是完全一致的。
Ic this paper, equivalence between Gauss's law and Coulomb's law in electrostatics is discussed, and then it is indicated that both of they can be regarded as the fundamental law of electrostatics. 本文讨论了静电场高斯定理和库仑定律的等价性,并指出,两者均可作为静电场的基本规律。
The formation of the three basic experimental law-the Coulomb's Law, the Ampere's Law and the law of Faraday's electromagnetic induction-shows that mankind's understanding of the electromagnetism phenomenon has reached a new level. 库仑定律、安培定律和法拉第电磁感应定律是电磁学三大基本实验定律,这三个定律的建立标志着人类对于电磁现象的认识发展到了新阶段。
To deduce the coulomb's law in aspect of molecular electric current 用分子电流观点推导磁库仑定律
Exploration For the Conditions of Coulomb's Law 库仑定律适用条件再讨论
Applying Coulomb's law to finding the electrical force acting on a point charge in the material 应用库仑定律求解有介质存在时点电荷所受作用力